From your returned completed assessments your advisor sketches out remarks about each child’s academic strengths and weaknesses and basic learning styles and makes recommendations for starting points in subject areas. These remarks and recommendations are included in your student's Academic Packet, which is emailed to you as soon as your advisor puts the finishing touches on it. The Academic Packet suggests which courses and books to use, why to use them, how to use them, and how often and how long to use them.
During the annual Course of Study Planning appointment, your advisor will review each of your student's assessment results with you, and then work with you to personalize recommendations to your family, then to each of your students. The advisor will assist you in:
- moving skill levels up or down per subject;
- organizing the whole family into the same or complementary science, history and religion cycles;
- combining students into the same or compatible texts as much as is possible;
- finding central focuses for each of the students in each of the subjects according to their academic needs and styles; and
- identifying alternative choices and their suitability for your homeschooling in this year.