For full details and specific dates and times for the live classes meetings, visit the Live Class Schedule page.  But here is a quick description of our schedule:

STAA’s live classes for high school students meet on two schedules:

  1. Essential Schedule (✪): Writing and reasoning courses—Composition I, Composition II, Essay Writing B, Logic, Essay Writing A, and Critical Reading—meet every Tuesday via Zoom for 75 minutes, offering a steady structure for weekly engagement. Each class begins with greetings, sound checks, and a prayer. A five minute break is taken after about 40 minutes and the rest of the class period is dedicated to students questions about the week's lesson, the previous week's lesson, upcoming assignments, English Mechanics, and the like.

  2. Black/White Schedule (♞♘): Classes in history, religion, economics, government, art, sciences, and literature meet every other school week for 90 minutes, alternating between Black (♞) and White (♘) schedules on our academic calendar.  Each class begins with greetings, sound checks, and a prayer.  The first course in the paired course is discussed for about 40 minutes, a brief break is taken, and then the second course in the pair is discussed.

Guided Liberal Arts Courses | General Introduction | Academic Calendar | Class Schedule | FAQ

We offer a free consultation to discuss class options, academic placement, and registration details.

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