May I purchase an updated study guide for [my son's] next semester? He would like to have all the current course information in paper format. Please let me know if this is possible as soon as possible. Thanks for your help!
Of course! The study guides are available to order from our online shop. On the front page of the shop you will see the cycle categories > click on the category you are looking for (I think your son needs the Roman Cycle). On the category page, you will see the first semester and second semester study guides, the individual subject booklets that can be purchased instead of the semester study guides, and the live class options.
Shop Main Page
Category Page for the Roman Cycle
Ordering Page for the Semester Study Guide
Many of the semester study guides have variations so you can order a version of the guide that most closely matches the courses your student is registered to study.
Online Study Guides for Member Families
All of the STAA Study Guides are available for students and parents on the STAA Student Zone to view online as needed. This collection of online guides serves as a great backup while traveling, when a guide has been misplaced, or while waiting for the printed guides ordered from the STAA shop to arrive. To navigate to the various guides, see the Main Menu of the STAA Student Zone.
Member Families, visit the resources on the STAA Student Zone for more about this topic.
- Go to
- Sign in with your teaching-parent username and password or your student username and password. (Need a copy of your member login?)
- Once you are logged into the STAA Student Zone, you can find the course pages and Q&A Forums by clicking on the "My Courses" tab on the top menu. The vertical "Main Menu" navigation bar on the righthand side of the site has links to all of the general resources for member families.