I am writing because I am on [my son's] student zone and realized that he is missing all of his 2nd semester classes, at least under his My Courses tab.  His classes show up under the dashboard, as well as under the grade tab, just not under My Courses.  Is there a way to access them on the My Courses tab?  

Most likely your son is using the filtering options on the My Courses page.  

When on the My Courses page, users can “Star this course,” “Unstar this course,” or “Remove from view” with circle button on the right of each course.  The dropdown on the left of the My Courses page can be used to change the course list based on the circle button settings.  Switch the dropdown to “All” or have your son "unstar" the first semester courses and "star" the second semester courses if he would like to leave the dropdown on "Starred."

Member Families, visit the resources on the STAA Student Zone for more about this topic.

  • Go to www.staahomeschool.com/StudentZone.
  • Sign in with your teaching-parent username and password or your student username and password.  (Need a copy of your member login?)
  • Once you are logged into the STAA Student Zone, you can find the course pages and Q&A Forums by clicking on the "My Courses" tab on the top menu.  The vertical "Main Menu" navigation bar on the righthand side of the site has links to all of the general resources for member families.