I enrolled in dual credit courses in chemistry last fall semester at the University of [redacted], and I was wondering if I need to submit work samples for my classes or if I only need to send the transcript?
Work samples from the university course are not necessary when a transcript from the university is available. Visit the STAA Student Zone for specific information about how to upload a transcript for your advisor to add to your records.
Member Families, visit the resources on the STAA Student Zone for more about this topic.
- Go to www.staahomeschool.com/StudentZone.
- Sign in with your teaching-parent username and password or your student username and password. (Need a copy of your member login?)
- Once you are logged into the STAA Student Zone, you can find the course pages and Q&A Forums by clicking on the "My Courses" tab on the top menu. The vertical "Main Menu" navigation bar on the righthand side of the site has links to all of the general resources for member families.