Hi, I was wondering if your [high school] courses could be completed almost exclusively with books off-line. I have a daughter in [high school] right now and we’re dealing with internet access issues with being online so much for school. I’d like her to complete the vast majority of schoolwork without a computer in front of her. Is that possible with your program? 

Thank you for reaching out! We completely understand your desire to minimize screen time for your daughter’s schoolwork, especially with the internet challenges you’re facing. I’m happy to share that yes, it’s absolutely possible for her to complete the vast majority of our high school courses offline using books and printed materials.

That said, there are a few elements that do involve the computer, such as weekly reading comprehension and accountability quizzes, occasional downloads or worksheets, and access to articles, slideshows, and our Q&A Forums where students can ask advisors about assignments or resources. These can easily be scheduled for supervised online time, typically condensed into one or two periods toward the end of the school week.

Our program is designed with flexibility in mind, and most of the core coursework—such as literature, history, theology, science, and especially math—relies on physical books, our STAA Study Guides, and other offline resources. These materials guide students through readings, assignments, and assessments without requiring constant computer use.

One quick note: We do offer optional live high school classes for some subjects which do require a few more visits to the STAA Student Zone each school week; however, participation in live classes is not mandatory.  Even though computer access would be more frequent during the week for a student taking live classes, these classes remain primarily offline in focus, relying on worthy books and our printed STAA Study Guides, with the online components enhancing—not driving—the experience.

Would you like to set up a quick call to explore this further? You can schedule a time here: Appointment to Discuss Enrollment