First, you might appreciate this page about the due dates for submitting Semester Reporting Forms and work samples for the Transcript Option are listed on this page: When is semester reporting due?

Secondly, it is not a good idea to submit work samples after the due date as it is far to easy for late student work to get lost around the home.  Additionally, it is important to submit work samples right after they are completes so they are easy to "fix" if there are pages missing from the scan, illegible pages, the wrong assignment submitted, or the student did not follow the assignment's directions.  Advisors and staff will request any needed "fixes" through the STAA Student Zone, allowing students to resubmit their work during the reporting period.  Submitting updated assignments outside of the reporting periods is likely to incur delayed advisor review of your student's semester reporting packet as well as late fees.

The first semester reporting period is open August 1 through February 28.  If your student's work samples are not submitted during the first semester reporting period that ends on February 28, he should report his coursework and submit his work sample in the second semester reporting period.  

The second semester reporting period is open January 15 through June 30.  If your student has a few courses that will not be ready to submit during the second semester reporting period that ends on June 30, he should report his coursework as a summer work.  

The summer reporting period is open from August 1 to September 30.  Students must be enrolled for the academic year that opens on August 1 to have access to the the summer reporting period.

Grade 12 students will not have access to the summer reporting opportunity since they will not be enrolled for the academic year that begins on August 1.  Reach out to your advisor with questions about late reporting to discuss the timelines and late/extension fees that will apply.  This also applies to students that do not renew their enrollment with St. Thomas Aquinas Academy because their schooling situation has changes and they will be transferring to another school or program.  

Please note that staff time in June and July is in high-demand—if your semester reporting is last-minute or late and you need a transcript rushed out to a college or other institution, it will be important to inquire about the expedited fee for urgent advisor processing and review of your student's semester reporting forms and work samples.  Expedited advisor services are not always available—the best plan is to schedule the completion of your student's semesters for well in advance of the semester reporting deadlines.

Transcripts are important!  Every high school student needs a transcript, but if participating in St. Thomas Aquinas Academy's diploma and transcript option is not the right option for your student, that's okay!  Every academic year the Transcript Option is offered an optional add-on to your student's enrollment.  If you would prefer to not opt into St. Thomas Aquinas Academy's diploma and transcript program, parents can use an online transcript service like the one HSLDA offers or look for homeschool transcript-generating software from major homeschool suppliers to keep track of the courses their student has completed and the credits and grades earned.  If you decide to keep your own transcripts, you may still participate in the St. Thomas Aquinas Academy homeschool program for advisor placement, planning, and support; join live classes that fit your student's plan; or just register for the month-to-month independent study option.

Member Families, visit the resources on the STAA Student Zone for more about this topic.

  • Go to
  • Sign in with your teaching-parent username and password or your student username and password.  (Need a copy of your member login?)
  • Once you are logged into the STAA Student Zone, you can find the course pages and Q&A Forums by clicking on the "My Courses" tab on the top menu.  The vertical "Main Menu" navigation bar on the righthand side of the site has links to all of the general resources for member families.